Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Neighborhood News - Items Stolen, Cat Found, Walking Group

Items Stolen:
Be on the lookout at your homes. In the last couple of weeks a homeowner has had item stolen from his property on 2 different occasions: a car stolen from his driveway and hunting gear and a table saw stolen from his garage. Remember to lock your car doors and keep a watch out for suspicious activity at your neighbors' homes. If you want to get involved in the neighborhood watch committee - send an email to the board (StonegateSubdivision@gmail.com). Let's help watch out for each other.

Cat Found:
A cute little orange male cat was found this week. If you are missing a cat, please email the board!

Woman's Walking Group:

Would you like to get some exercise and meet some of the other women in our subdivision? Come join the Woman's Walking Group. Please email the StonegateSubdivision@gmail.com with your phone number and we will call you to give you time and day information. Come get fit and get together!

Any other news? Let us know at StonegateSubdivision@gmail.com

Monday, October 20, 2008

Should we use a management company for our subdivision?

Let us know what you think. Vote below to let us know what you think about using a management company. We will be taking an official vote on this matter in a future homeowner's meeting but would like to know your thoughts. Vote below by clicking on a box by your answer. If you have any comments, likes or dislikes, please click on the word comment below this post and share your thoughts. Thanks!

<a href="http://www.buzzdash.com/index.php?page=buzzbite&BB_id=124411">What are your thoughts about MGM management?</a> | <a href="http://www.buzzdash.com">BuzzDash polls</a>